
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Interesting Facts about Egypt

  • The official name of Egypt is ‘Arab Republic of Egypt’. The country is known as ‘Misr’ or ‘Masr’ in the local language.
  • The capital of Egypt is Cairo and the city holds the distinction of being the largest city in Africa and the Middle East.
  • Egypt is spread over an area of approximately 995,450 sq km, which comprises mainly of desert and desert like areas.
  • The main language of Egypt is Egyptian Arabic. Apart from that, English and French are also spoken there.
  • A large number of household objects were invented or used by the ancient Egyptians, including lock and keys, combs, scissors, wigs, makeup, deodorants, toothbrush and toothpaste.
  • Ancient Egyptians used cosmetics as far back as 5,000 years ago. However, it was meant to protect the skin from sunlight, and not for beauty care.
  • Egyptian architect Imhotep, who lived almost 5,000 years ago, is the earliest scientist to be known by name today.
  • Egyptians created glass and faience objects.
  • Egyptians invented the art of painting on plaster. Even cement was first used by them only.
  • Ancient Egyptians used to play a game, using large stones set up as pins and small stones as a ball, which was quite similar to the bowling we do today.
  • Egyptians were among the very first people to invent writing, along with ink and paper.
  • Pharaoh Pepi II of Egypt is known for having the longest reign as a monarch, which lasted from around 2294 BC to about 2220 BC.
  • Senet, a game played in ancient Egypt, is one of the oldest known board games of the world.
  • The earliest known wine cellars have been discovered in Egypt.
  • The earliest will was prepared by Nek'ure, the son of the Egyptian Pharaoh Khafre, who died in circa 2601 BC.
  • The first written international peace treaty was made between Ramses II of Egypt and Hattusili III of Hittite empire.
  • The pyramids of Egypt are the last remaining ancient wonder of the world. They have been given an ‘honorary status’ in the list of the new ‘Wonders of the World’.
  • In ancient Egypt, women could participate in business ventures, own land, represent themselves in court and even become doctors.
  • Ancient Egyptians knew all about curing meat and preserving food, with the help of natron and sodium bicarbonate. They used them in the process of mummification also.
  • Egyptians have been known to have invented 365 days calendar and the 24-hour division of the day.

· The Ancient Egyptians divided thier years into twelve months consisting of 30 days with 5 days left over.

· Silver was considered more valuable then gold in Ancient Egypt.

· The Cat was a symbol of Fertility and sexuality, which is why later Ancient Egyptians painted their eye to mimick those of cats.

· The Ancient Egyptians were the first to invent paper, using papyrus.

· Ancient Egyptians mummified animals as well.

· Ancient Egytians didn't celebrate birthday's.

· Dreams were thought to be communications from the Gods and clues to thier futures.

· The Ancient Egyptians loved their cats so much that if one of their cats dies they would shave off their eyebrows and mourn until their eyebrows gre back.

· According to ancient myths, bees were the tears of the Egyptians sun god Ra.

· The average life expectancy for an Egyptian woman was 54 and 52 for a man.

· The actual process of mumification took 70 days, where all oragsn were removed save the heart, the body was packed with spices and herbs, packed in a natural salts that grew along the coast in Egypt for 35 dats. When this time was up the salt would have drie dthe body out completely. The mumifiers would return and wrap the body up with cloth with prayers written on them. They stuck the cloth on with resin.

· The Jackal represents Anubis, the ancients god of embbalming and the protector of the dead.

· The Ancient Egyptians believed that the heart was the center of a human, so they paid special attention to the left side of their body because that is where the heart is.

· Egyptians lived in haouses made of dried mud bricks, even the pharoah did, only the temples for their gods were made out of stone.

· It is though that the riches in Tutankhamen tomb as well as his mask and tomb were stolen from the tombs of his father Akhenaton and Nefertiti, his mother.

· The longest reigning king was Pepy II he was King at age 6 and rules until 94.

· Ancient Egyptians were the first to use pigeons as messangers.

· In Ancient times an amulet was worn to ward off evil.

· The Sphinx lost it's nose in 1798 when Napoleans soldiers used it for target practice.

· Beer was invented in Egypt.

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